Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Wilke will perform a comprehensive exam, consisting of an overall evaluation of the patient’s medical history, dental history and present oral condition. Dr. Wilke will review the x-rays and discuss findings and his recommendations with the patient. Our office manager will comprise a treatment plan based on Dr. Wilke’s recommendations and the patient's desires. The treatment plan will include the treatment recommended, the number of visits needed to accommodate the patient’s needs and the cost associated with each visit.

Since Most patients have not seen a dentist in a long time, it is better to wait for Dr. Wilke to complete his exam and at that time he will let you know what type of cleaning is needed. On the other hand, if you are a patient that is transferring their dental care from another dental office and was seen on a regular basis on a 6 month recall, it is possible for the cleaning can be done the same day.

Dr. Wilke is an out of network provider with all insurance carriers; therefore, payment is expected at the time services are rendered. We will file the claim to the carrier on your behalf and your insurance carrier will reimburse you, the patient directly.

We do not offer payment plans. Payment is expected at the time services are rendered. However, we do accept CareCredit.

We accept MasterCard, Visa, cash, check and Care Credit.

Our office is not set up for pediatric dentistry; however, we do on occasion see and treat small children. Our decision is based on how comfortable the child is with having dental work or cleanings done. Our goal is to provide a positive dental experience; therefore, we may refer the child/children out to a pediatric dentist.

The purpose of IVC is to have an abundant supply of electrons in a person's blood to neutralize any toxins or free radicals. We have an alternative which is a simple capsule that is swallowed called Mega Hydrate. This is much easier since it avoids the needle and IV bags.

Yes. We see adult and children for orthodontics. We also offer both Clear Correct for less complicated cases and brackets for more difficult ones. All metal brackets on the market have nickel. However, through research and study Dr. Wilke has found a bracket system that only has 1/2% nickel; Ceramic brackets are also available with nickel free wires.

The cost varies based on the tooth # and the number of surfaces involved. The cost ranges from $270.00 - $474.00 per tooth. This fee does include the cost of the new composite filling. Our charge is $80.00 per tooth for hazard removal and containment. The standard restoration fee whether it is composite or milled bonded ceramic is added.

There is quite a bit of protocol involved in proper safe mercury removal; therefore, the only way mercury can all be removed on one day is under the administration of conscious sedation which involves sleeping pills. This will require the patient to arrive 1 hour early and be accompanied by someone to drive them home.

There are a couple of options available for mercury filling replacement, they can be replaced with a composite/resin (tooth colored) filling. The other option is a milled bonded ceramic restoration.

The implants are Zirconia, a ceramic substance that we source from a company in Switzerland.

X-rays are a very important part of proper dental care; therefore, we do require that current x-rays be on file for each patient. We require bitewing x-rays that are not over 1year and a panoramic that is not over 3 years old. If these x-rays are on file at the office of another dentist they can be e-mailed to us and we will utilize them as long as they are legible and within the time frames listed above.