Dental Definitions
Our office will always keep you on your toes and you’ll learn something new every day. As a biologic dental office, we offer services to patients that are looking for a metal free alternative. As well as a healthier choice when it comes to how treatment is done and what type of materials are used.
Although our office is unique in its specialty, we are still a general dental practice. The items listed below are just a few things you’ll find that are unique to our office and explain why we do certain procedures the way we do. The first thing you will notice is that amalgam is called mercury here. This is due to the fact that amalgam has 50% mercury in it. Our office is a mercury safe environment, which means we do not use mercury (amalgam).
Bisphenol A
There are many that are concerned with this material. It is a synthetic estrogen used to harden polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resin. It is also the focus of a growing number of research studies. Many are concerned with this material because it has a synthetic estrogen. Most recent research has shown that the human body does not absorb this material but rather gets rid of it through the bodies’ waste system.
This material is found in composite but only in a minute amount. Our office has a composite that does not have this ingredient called Diamond Lite, we do use other composite materials that do have this ingredient. However, due to the fact that the body absorbs this product, it is not an issue. In comparison to mercury the alternative is no contest.
Blood Compatibility Test
Clifford Material Reactivity Testing focuses on screening for systemic reactions to dental – related materials. The screening process includes 36 categories used in treating your mouth and over 33 different types of materials. Patients with individual sensitivities and have unique health concerns would benefit with this test to be completed before they start their treatment.
These are lesions within the jawbone that can produce debilitating toxins and are often located at old extraction sites or endodontic teeth. Our office uses I-CAT CBCT conebeam, a 3 dimensional x-ray to find pathological conditions in our patient’s mouth and surrounding areas.
Crown Replacement
We recommend non-precious crowns be replaced for different reasons. Research has shown that Nickel and Beryllium have a high allergy % among people. Which these types of crowns often have in them. But further research has also shown that these metals raise chances of cancer in certain people. We offer a healthier alternative to these materials.
Also we have often found that under these crowns, there is a mercury/amalgam buildup filling underneath these crowns. In the case of a gold crown, if a mercury/amalgam filling is present, the gold acts as a sponge and absorbs the mercury into the crown. There is no way of removing mercury from the gold.
Digital X-rays
The x-rays are a diagnostic tool that alerts the doctor of any changes to the teeth or bone. These films are able to show decay within a tooth, an abscess in the bone or if there is root absorption caused by gum disease. It is a very important tool that is used to ensure there are no hidden dangers to you.Most patients are concerned about x-rays because of the radiation they are exposed too. We have good news for our patients regarding this. We offer our patients digital x-rays. This allows us to reduce radiation by about 90% while increasing image clarity, resolution, and accuracy by light years over our previous technology.
Endodontic Removal
From the research of Dr. Weston Price, it was noted that when a root canal is done the bacteria that infected that tooth originally remains and continues to expose the patient to this infectious material.
“Dr. Price discovered that the dentin, which makes up 95 percent of the structure of the teeth, was not a solid stone-like mass but consisted of very tiny tubules. Undamaged dentin tubules contain a nutrient-dense fluid that keeps the teeth alive and healthy. These nutrients are supplied daily to each tubule by the artery that accompanies the nerve and vein in the root canal. The artery does this in the same way that other arteries supply nutrients to every cell of the body.
When tooth decay spreads and attacks a tooth, it can usually be removed by a dentist and the tooth saved with a filling. However, if the decay is neglected or not discovered until after it spreads into the root canal of the tooth itself, then the nerve and blood vessels become infected from the bacteria which are part of the tooth decay process.
The bacteria easily and rapidly travel the entire root canal and of course they easily discover those tubules and their nutrient supply. The organisms have, in fact, found a new home, one in which they grow and rapidly reproduce.”
Because to date, there is no way to sterilize an infected tooth, it is recommended to have it removed. This, of course, is always the patient’s decision.
Fit Test
Food Sensitivities cause a wide variety of illnesses ranging from skin rashes and headaches to chronic intestinal diseases. The Fit Test measures the sensitivity to 132 foods, colorings and additives with a wide range of all major food groups. Your test will be broken down by 5 catagories; Severe Reactions, High Reaction, Moderate Reaction, Mild Reaction and No Reaction. It will break down what foods your body cannot tolerate. The blood collection is done in our office.
Mercury Removal
When mercury is removed, we follow a certain protocol. We give a patient two supplements, one is Cellular Defense, which is an antioxidant. The second is Hydrogen Boost, this supplement gives the body electrolytes for the immune system. Then a dental dam is placed to catch material as it is being removed. A vacuum is place by patients chin and behind dam to catch any vapors from drilling on the material. There is also an ionizer within the room to catch particles within the air. Water is sprayed upon material as it is being removed. After the material is removed, the patient is rinsed out thoroughly before new fill is placed. Then composite is placed.
A meridian is invisible pathway or channel on the body. There are 12 regular meridians and 20 meridians in total. Each regular meridian is believed to correspond to an organ and run along the body to either the hand or the foot. This also corresponds with the teeth and connections to various organs of the body. See Meridian Tooth Chart.
In dentistry, this invisible line separates the right and the left side of the face. When it comes to treatment, we do not cross this line when doing restorative for amalgam or endodontic removal. Any disruption to the energy flow in a person can affect their hormones, neurological, chemical, and cognitive events throughout their system in some way. Thus, we avoid disrupting the meridian flow.
PerioLase or Lanap
This laser is used for periodontal treatment where pocket depths are greater than 5mm. The laser removes the diseased periodontal tissue. The area is cleaned out and then the laser is passed around the pocket again to attach the tissue back to the root of the tooth.
The wonderful thing with this laser is that it enables the tissue to reattach to the tooth but also if there is bone loss, helps with re-growth. It enables a patient to save teeth that are loose or where pocket depths are greater than 10mm to return to 3mm. The one thing learned here, seeing is believing and our patients will impress you.
Rita Meter
Also known as an electrical potential meter, is used to measure electrical charges on fillings, crowns and metallic appliances. (Normal readings range from +2/-2 micro-amps.) Healthy gold crowns or composite resins (tooth colored fillings) most often register a positive charge. When they register a negative charge greater than -2, it usually indicates either decay under an old filling or there’s an amalgam/mercury filling under a crown.
Did you know that most metals found in your mouth have the ability to create an electrical charge? This charge can be responsible for numerous side effects that are rarely associated with the dental work found in your mouth. Galvanic current is a term that has been used in dentistry for over 100 years. It is a condition created by the presence of dissimilar metals in the oral cavity of the teeth and gums, with saliva serving as the electrolyte.
Removing the offending material connected with that particular tooth or teeth in order will reduce this unwanted electrical charge and create a balanced condition. Biological dentistry views galvanism as an obstacle to achieving overall health and wellness. Keep it simple, keep it safe. A balanced body is a healthy body.
Seven Day Rule
When mercury fillings are replaced, we follow a seven day rule. This rule means that mercury is not removed on the same day in any week or month. Following these guidelines will help in not compromising the patients system.
For example: If an amalgam is removed on a Monday, then amalgam cannot be removed again on a Monday unless more than 9 months have passed. The next appointment would be a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday it could be that week or the next and so on. The reason for this is how the body replenishes itself every 7th day.
Our office uses a variety of supplements. Dr. Wilke earned the accreditation of Applied Clinical Nutritionist (ACN) by completing a formal program through Texas Chiropractic College and Standard Process of South Texas in Jan. 2009. This accreditation will further enhance Dr. Wilke’s ability to treat each patient with added nutritional and supplemental counseling thereby improving their total health.
“… the tongue of the wise promotes health.” Proverbs 12:18b
Zirconia Implants
We were one of the first offices in San Antonio to offer a non-metal implant. The zirconia implant is a white implant and is one piece, there is no abutment. It is biocompatible and aesthetically pleasing appearing just like a root of a tooth. Read more about Zirconia Implants.