SMART - Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal
Eliminate a Major Source of Heavy Metal Toxins Entering your Body’s Biosystem
The purpose of removing mercury amalgam from your teeth is to eliminate a major source of heavy metal toxins entering your body’s biosystem. However, the removal of mercury amalgam is potentially extremely dangerous to you, the dental staff and the environment if certain proven safety measures are not followed.
Toxic metals in your mouth can have significant negative effects on your body, particularly the nervous system and brain function. Oral galvanic electrical reactions occur when two or more different metals in your mouth, commonly from fillings and crowns, mix with saliva and create electrical currents that are about 1000 times greater than the current the brain uses. Safe removal of these heavy metals is the best way to reduce or eliminate this problem, and they should be replaced with non-metal restorative dental materials.
The purpose of removing mercury amalgam from your teeth is to eliminate a major source of heavy metal toxins entering your body’s biosystem. However, the removal of mercury amalgam is potentially extremely dangerous to you, the dental staff and the environment if certain proven safety measures are not followed.
Toxic metals in your mouth can have significant negative effects on your body, particularly the nervous system and brain function. Oral galvanic electrical reactions occur when two or more different metals in your mouth, commonly from fillings and crowns, mix with saliva and create electrical currents that are about 1000 times greater than the current the brain uses. Safe removal of these heavy metals is the best way to reduce or eliminate this problem, and they should be replaced with non-metal restorative dental materials.

When scheduling for mercury removal or non-precious crown removal, we follow the highest negative reading regarding Rita Meter numbers. The highest negative number determines the area where treatment will begin. We remove material from quadrants and number each quadrant according to these readings.
“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” by John Adams (1770)
We also follow the seven day rule. The body has a seven day cycle to the immune system, so when doing treatment we will not do a procedure on the seventh day. For example, if Hg is removed on a Monday, another Monday cannot be used due to this being the seventh day. We do not want to compromise a patient’s immune system. Every patient’s chart should have a sticker displaying Monday-Friday for these days to be noted when a patient is having treatment done.
“You only get one chance to do it right.” by Dr. Huggins
Total Mouth Fitness follows the IAOMT’s SMART protocol and Huggins protocol for safe mercury removal which includes some or all of the recommendations listed below. These steps are taken to provide your body with the least amount of mercury exposure possible thus allowing the best possible chance of an improvement to your health.
- Sequential Removal as per Dr. Huggins protocol
- Cellular Defense Supplements taken, include Hydrogen Boost capsules
- A water tight rubber barrier flossed around the neck of the teeth
- A saliva ejector placed under the barrier to remove mercury vapor
- A HVE-high volume evacuator held close to the tooth being worked on by assistant
- A high volume Dental Air Vacuum placed at patients chin
- Copious amounts of water sprayed at the amalgam to keep it cool
- A Tact-Air negative ion generator placed behind the chair to bind up any mercury vapor that escapes the vacuums
- Available medial air or oxygen delivered through a nasal canula or mask
- Strict observance of the 7-day cycle and midline rules
- Clifford compatibility test
- REBEC mercury trap is in place that contains 99+% of mercury waste to ensure environmental friendliness

- Composites or Ceramics
- Latest composites now wear well but have more marginal leakage than ceramics
- Ceramics milled on a CAD-CAM (CEREC 3) and bonded into place restore a tooth to 101% of original strength
- Contain 50% elemental mercury
- Contain only 30% silver
- Also contain copper, tin, and zinc
- Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive element on earth
- Mercury is 2,100 times more toxic than lead
- Hi copper amalgam releases Hg 50x faster
- Mercury’s melting point is minus 28ºC or F
- At 98.6ºF (mouth temperature) it vaporizes quite well
- Chewing increases vaporization by 15 fold
- Hot liquids (coffee) increase vaporization by 800 fold and remains elevated for at least 45 minutes
- Every breath a person takes contains mercury
- 80-100 % is absorbed into the blood stream through the lungs
- Elemental mercury (Hgº) only remains in blood for a few minutes
- In Hgº state it can easily cross cell membranes and the blood brain barrier
- It looses 1 or 2 electrons and then has an affinity for sulfur groups in amino acids, cysteine and methionine
- These amino acids in protein chains of enzymes become distorted and their action is inhibited
- Mercury causes buildup of amyloid beta plaques seen in Alzheimer’s disease brains
- Mercury causes tubulin protein sheath of dendrites to coagulate, exposing the dendrite nerve which then tangles
- Mercury is a universal toxin that affects all living cells
- There is no safe dose of mercury
- ADA “best management practices” recommend to not place amalgam in toilet or trash can due to its toxicity– but the mouth is a good safe place?
- Read more about Toxic Metals in Your Mouth
- Read more about Possible Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning
Mercury fillings react with other metals in your mouth, such as nickel beryllium crowns, and other heavy metals to produce electrical currents that are much greater than the current that the brain uses. This can have significant negative effects on your body, particularity the nervous system and brain function.
- Most metals have different valances or charges
- These electrical charges produce currents, batteries, or magnetic fields that are about 100 times greater than the current the brain uses
- Mercury amalgam contains mercury, silver, copper, tin, zinc
- Non precious crowns and partial denture frames contain: nickel, beryllium, chromium, and cobalt.“Gold” crowns are classed as Noble(25- 49% gold) or high noble(50%+gold)
- Other metals are platinum, palladium, indium…
- Most crowns of posterior (back) teeth have mercury amalgam buildups under the crown
- Crowns are usually placed due to large mercury filling in tooth causing weakened unsupported enamel
- Gold crowns in same mouth as mercury fillings cause mercury to be released 100x faster
- Mercury absorbs into gold crowns
- Mercury can be electrically deposited into gingiva and bone causing “amalgam tattoos”
There are two main reasons for replacement of non-precious crowns. One, this crown may have mercury beneath it that was used as a buildup. If a patient is concerned about all mercury being removed this may be a consideration. The second reason for replacement has to do with the material the crown is made with. Often times the crown has an alloy material such as nickel and beryllium used to give the white gold strength that it needs. Many people are allergic to these metals and research has shown these materials to be toxic. This also applies to permanent bridges. (Full gold crowns are only replaced if the patient had gold the same time as the mercury fillings. Gold acts as a sponge and draws mercury within it.)
- 95% of all porcelain fused to metal crowns made are from metal formulas that contain 75% nickel and 2% beryllium
- WHO claims 14% of worlds population is allergic to nickel
- Nickel is the most carcinogenic metal known
- Used due to low cost and strength
- Orthodontic brackets and partial denture frameworks may also contain nickel (10%)
- This metal is always silver colored but not all silver colored cast metals are nickel based
- Read more about Toxic Metals in Your Mouth
A. 95% of heavy metals leave through colon. Treat constipation with:
> Intestinal Formula # 1
B. > Cellular Defense (
> Go slowly
> Far infrared sauna